Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Catching up, finally, uh, sort of?!?!

I have to say, it's pretty weird, blogging more this year so far than I've ever blogged before.  I know I've been slacking, but have been busy with cards and a little bit of a social life.

Another weekend passed and I didn't get nearly as much stuff done as planned, there is always next week.... I think I could say this every weekend for the rest of my life.

I started watching Dexter from the beginning (I'm currently finished with season 1 and season 2).  I like it.  It takes a bunch of unexpected turns and keeps me guessing. It is hard for me to picture the main character as anything but the brother in Six Feet Under.  :)  His hair is terrible in the second season!
I finished the second season of Brothers & Sisters.  I really like that show, but as one would expect from a show on ABC, it is a tear-jerker much of the time. I need Kleenex to watch it, definitely.

I just started Long Way Down, a documentary of Charley Boorman & Ewan McGregor riding motorcycles from Western Europe to the furthest tip of Africa.  It's really well done and fun to watch!

I've been busy making cards.... as usual.

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